Monday, January 10, 2011

Michael Jackson's doctor accused of hiding drugs

Michael Jackson's doctor has been accused of hiding bottles of drugs and misinforming paramedics, as the hearing continues into the singer's death.

A paramedic who treated the pop superstar on the day he died described his interaction with Dr Conrad Murray (pictured) as he tried to revive Michael.

He said: "I asked Dr Murray 'Did you give him these drugs?' and he said 'No'. He scooped them off the floor and put them in a black bag."

The paramedic also said the 57-year-old doctor denied giving Michael any medication at all.

He said: "We asked if the patient was on any medications or any recreational drugs and the answer was 'No'".

The preliminary hearing will decide whether there is enough evidence for a full trial of Dr Murray. He has already denied involuntary manslaughter.

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